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Sexy Englsih Charis, London - Timewaster
Unfortuantely we never got to see Escort Sexy Englsih Charis of London who is found here:

She readily agreed to do a filmed punt. We set up a date. I texted her the day before to check we were still OK for filming the next day and she cancelled.

The excuse? Her cat had gone missing. Ah right stop everything the cat has gone...we must search for the cat. Right and this stops you from taking a 1 hour booking because? Hmmm I'm confused....oh no wait...its decided you do not want to do the filming anymore but could not bring yourself to say so. 

Hmm people like that...fake? tick. Unreliable. Tick

Texted a few times since to find out about the cat and rebook...gues what she never replied....why did she not update me on the cat???? I was concerned about the cat....

Sad part is its not just me she fucked around. The punter I hired and was paying good money to do this filmed punt loses out as well. She knew about him...she knew his name and still she did not give a fuck about him losing out. There was no apology to him!!!

What kind of person is that? Heartless...self absorbed...a right fucking bad escort and person.

So we would not fact we would say AVOID!

She will mess you about and is a defo timewaster.

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