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The Even Odder Day Of An Occasional Punter
Some might remember me telling my tales about a weekend of punting in Leeds, well i thought some of you might find this particular scenario unusual.
I had absolutely loved my punt with Chloe Mafia, and decided to back for another visit - this time she had an apartment she could host me in. Happy Days.
Upon arrival I was very impressed. Unlike most flats in Leeds this one was huge and very central. It turned out it wasn't her flat but she was staying there with her best mate and her mate's boyfriend. I saw her mate for the third time in my life as I was getting out of the lift, and we chatted for a few seconds like friends - that's just weird in its own right!
Anyway, onto the action, we chatted for over half an hour before Chole gave me a long long massage, and just seconds into some oral action, there was a knock at the door.
Yep, it was the owner of the flat at the front door.....
"I'll be there in a minute", cueing horror on the look of Chloe.
"What we gonna do? Get your camera out, we'll say you're the photographer from tomorrow!" Quick thinking on her part, if only a little bit hopeful. (I'd take a pic of her for fun)
So within seconds, I have pulled on my jeans, shirt and shoes on and thrown the rest in my bag and picked up the condom, lube, knickers and body lotion lying about the room and shoved them away, and grabbed my camera out of my bag.
I have to say at this point, I never thought he'd buy this, but in he came (don't know why he didn't have a key) and me and Chloe acted out a scenario where I was the photographer who was doing a modeling shoot she had the next day, including Chloe making an excuse for us to leave and visit the studio.
The guy was clearly a sugar daddy and didn't seem to have a clue that Chloe, or even her pal escorted, but had an unhealthy interest in photography, which I impressed myself by blagging him along.
Five minutes of small talk and we were out the door, across the road into the Jurys Inn hotel, where I got a room, which crazily enough overlooked the apartment I'd been in minutes ago!

So for a hefty £220/hr, Chloe provided almost 2.5hrs of company, the full service, some drama and an acting class to boot. Never again, I think!

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