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Special Prostitution Courts and the Myth of 'Rescuing' Sex Workers
"Once they get you, they are always going to get you," Love* told me this November at a greasy spoon in the Bronx. "The sad thing is that nobody ever stands up there and fights them."

Love is a 48-year-old black woman. She has high cheekbones, and her full lips smirk easily, especially when she hears something dumb. For several years, Love did sex work in Hunts Point, the Bronx red-light district made famous by the HBO documentary Hookers at the Point. Needing rent money, and sick of welfare's bureaucracy, Love went out one night with a friend hoping to make some cash. They took precautions: Love's friend kept an eye on her from the next block and wrote down the license-plate numbers of cars that picked her up. That night Love made $400.
Police arrested her repeatedly, but she kept working. She liked the money, and she had a daughter to support.
In 2009, however, Love was raped while working. The attack left her with post-traumatic stress disorder. With the help of social services organizations, Love quit sex work and started taking classes to become a surgical technician.

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Prostitution is always going to exist somwhere in the world, just like drugs... thats pretty much a guarantee, so why not just make it a legitimate legal trade, and impose taxes instead of persecuting the woman and leaving them out on the street... give them the means to provide their services openly and safely in a kosher inviroment...who benifits from keeping things the way it is?
Well luckily in England prostitution is not illegal. Although crimes around it are such as soliciting and pimping. However there are plans afoot to change this - see recent Northen Ireland legislation which will surely come to England soon as well.
slowly progressing like we do everything else I guess, mean while someone is probably putting their mental health and physical safey on the line trying to make a living from doing somthing they would probably be doing anyway under another set of circumstance, just because of societies imature hang-ups on the "sex trade"... bit little too late for LOVE, these things are totally preventable and un-necessary imho... and it alway annoys me to hear about it on the news... as if she had it comming for being "a prostitute"

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